English Patch For The Witcher 2 Cheats

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Originally posted by:Oh wow, needing a cheat for a Witcher game. Combat sucks in all three games but you do eventually get the hang of it and really don't need to cheat to beat it. Oh wow, looking down on someone for not being good at a video game. Now that is the real tragedy here, ladies and gentlemen.

I mean, I get that it's a video game site and all, but how pathetic do you have to be to shame someone over a stupid (and overrated at that) video game? How freaking sad indeed.Meanwhile, I'm here enjoying life with champagne and a beautiful wife, while you're jerking off to your video game you forked hundreds of dollars for every year with their blatant rip-offs of DLCs.

English Patch For The Witcher 2 Cheats How To Get To The Rune Rooms Locations

English Patch For The Witcher 2 Cheats

You're not sad.